Recently in Shrillblog!
Recently in Shrillblog--the Official Weblog of the Ancient, Hermetic and Occult Order of the Shrill: those (i) who were formerly well-anchored in sanity; but (ii) who have been driven into shrill unholy madness by the mendacity, malevolence, disconnection from reality and sheer incompetence of George W. Bush, his administration, his acolytes, and his enablers; and (iii) who now ululate their shrill screeds of Bush-hatred beneath the dead uncaring stars:
- Welcome, Chris Matthews!
- Fareed Zakaria Is Shriller than Ever!
- The Whiskey Bar Is Shrill!
- Former DepSecState Richard Armitage Is Shrill!
- Using Your Tentacles Properly...
- The Shrill Fred Kaplan Speaks!
- Warren Christopher Is Incapable of Being Shrill
- Former DepSecState Richard Armitage Is Shrill!
- The History of the Shrill
- The Poor Man Institute for Freedom, Democracy, and a Pony Is Shrill!
- Shrillness Rises to Dangerous Levels...
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