Why Oh Why Are We Ruled by These Liars?
Josh Bolten used to have a reputation. Not any more:
Think Progress: Bolten Defends Rove's False Claims on Stem Cells: Rove recently told the Denver Post that "recent studies" show researchers "have far more promise from adult stem cells than from embryonic stem cells." The Chicago Tribune contacted top stem cell experts who all said Rove's claim was inaccurate... the White House "could not provide the name of a stem cell researcher who shares Rove's views on the superior promise of adult stem cells." Today on Meet the Press, Tim Russert gave White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten an opportunity to repudiate Rove's claims. Bolten refused, saying Rove "knows a lot of stuff." Bolten added, "there are alternatives ways to get to the promise of that embryonic stem cells have." This view is not shared by stem cell researchers....
RUSSERT: Is there any evidence that you are aware of or that the President is aware of that says adult stem cells show far more promise than embryonic.
BOLTEN: Adult stem cells have already demonstrated in the amelioration of disease.
RUSSERT: So you agree with Mr. Rove.
BOLTEN: Like I said, I'm not a scientist.
RUSSERT: I don't think Karl Rove is either.
BOLTEN: Well, he knows a lot of stuff. The point here is that there are alternatives ways to get to the promise of that embryonic stem cells have. The president with his announcement this week on stem cell policy also announced we are going to put extra effort within our scientific community, at NIH, into pursuing stem cell research that does not involve the destruction of human embryos.
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