Semi-Daily Journal Archive

The Blogspot archive of the weblog of J. Bradford DeLong, Professor of Economics and Chair of the PEIS major at U.C. Berkeley, a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Berkeley Economic History Seminar: Economics 211: Spring 2006



Meetings in Evans 639, 2-3:30, Mondays, unless otherwise noted

January 23: Organizational Meeting

January 30: Job Market Seminar: Tavneet Suri, "Selection and Comparative Advantage in Technology Adoption" 608-7 4-5:30

February 8 (Wed): Orley Ashenfelter (Departmental Seminar, Evans 608-7, 4-5:30)

February 13: Alfonso Herranz-Loncan (Davis), "Did Spain Gain So Much from the Railroads? The Contribution of the Railroad Technology to Spanish Economic Growth (1850-1914)"

February 22 (Wed): Francois Bouguignon (Departmental Seminar, Evans 608-7, 4-5:30)

February 27: 4 PM: IES Seminar Room (Moses Hall): Michael North (Greifswald), "Cultural Consumption and Identity in Eighteenth Century Germany

March 8 (Wed): Richard Thaler (Departmental Seminar, Evans 608-7, 4-5:30)

March 13: FREE

March 22 (Wed): Chang-Tai Hsieh and Enrico Moretti (Berkeley) (Departmental Seminar, Evans 608-7, 4-5:30)

April 5 (Wed): William Easterly (Departmental Seminar, Evans 608-7, 4-5:30)

April 10: Ian McLean (Adelaide), "Might Australia Have Failed?"

Aprl 12 (Wed): Jonas Scherner (Mannheim and Yale), "The End of a Myth: Albert Speer and the So-Called Armaments Miracle" (IES Seminar Room, Moses Hall, 4-5:30)

April 17: Marty Weitzman (Departmental Seminar, Evans 608-7, 4-5:30)

April 24: Raj Arunachalam and Trevon Logan (Berkeley and Ohio State), "Dowry: Bequest or Price?"

May 1: Elise Andrea Couper (Berkeley), "The Dissolution of the Monasteries in the City of York"


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